Schools in La Dehesa
Private Schools are the best systems for expats, when looking for a private school in Chile, there are all kinds of them; religious schools (especially Catholic and sometimes Jewish or other religions), international and foreign schools and single sex schools.
School Calendar
In Chile, school starts in March to December, with two weeks of winter holiday in July and summer holidays from mid December to March. Enrollments must be made in July and August to start lessons in March the next year, depending on the school. Check with them so you don’t miss the application deadline. Exception to this rule is the Nido de Aguilas School that use North American school calendar system.
School uniform
It is very common in Chile to have a uniform in schools, whether they’re state schools or private schools. It is not compulsory, however most institutions choose to have it, also as a contrast between school and university. It is usually a dark blue jacket, grey trousers and white shirt for boys and grey dress or skirt, white shirt and blue trousers and tights for girls. This uniform gave students the nickname of penguins. Nowadays, private schools often prefer to implement their own uniform design in order to identify the students with the school. Exception to this rule is the Nido de Aguilas School from seventh grade up.
Chilean grading systemThe grades in Chile go from 1 to 7, with 1 being the worst grade and 7 the best. The minimum required to pass is 4. After the last educational reform, a system of letters has started to be used in the early levels of education:
- MB (muy bueno), very good
- B (bueno), good
- S (suficiente), acceptable
- I (insuficiente), fail
Premier international school offering education in English with a combined American and Chilean curriculum(PK-12). It has the biggest infrastructure and most modern technologies for education in Chile. It offers the Northern Hemisphere school calendar and serves both host country Chileans and the international business and diplomatic community of Santiago. Graduates can earn three diplomas: U.S., Chilean and International Baccalaureate. All classes are taught in English with required Spanish language classes for both native and for non-native Spanish speakers. And uniform for Middle School and High school is not required.
Tuition Rates:
Incoporation Fee USD 14.000
International curriculum 8 Monthly fees per year aprox. USD 2.150*
Chilean Curriculum 8 Monthly fees per year aprox. USD 1.150*
*All books and materials needed included.
Address: Av. El Rodeo 14200, Lo Barnechea, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (562) 2339-8100
Fundación Educacional Santiago College is a private educational (PK-12) institution founded in 1880. Opened as a boarding school for girls by American Methodist missionaries, this bilingual Chilean school combines the Chilean national curriculum with the International Baccalaureate Programs Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP) and Diploma Program. The vast majority of Santiago College students are Chilean nationals.
Tuition Rates
Incoporation Fee USD Inquire at school
10 Monthly fees per year aprox. USD 800 + Expenses
Address: Camino Los Trapenses 4007, Lo Barnechea, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 27338800
The International Preparatory School (TIPS)
The curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for England and Wales. The school offers education from early childhood through High School in preparation for university. The elementary and middle school grades are accredited by the Chilean Ministry of Education. The high school follows the British system and is recognized by the University of Cambridge as an exam center. Students may take the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations with the possibility of going on to the AS and A-level exams.
Tuition Rates
Incoporation Fee USD Inquire at school
10 Monthly fees per year aprox. USD 800 + Expenses (books and materials needed)
Address: Pastor Fernandez 16001, Lo Barnechea, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (562) 2321-5800
Students may enroll in pre-K, Kindergarten, Basic Education and Secondary Education. In the second and fourth year of High School, students perform a special examination in the German language which enables them to study in Germany or Austria. It also offers the IB Program.
Tuition Rates:
Incoporation Fee USD Inquire at school
10 Monthly fees per year aprox. USD 750 + Expenses
Address: Calle Paseo Pie Andino 8837, Lo Barnechea, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (562)7560200