La Dehesa area is located North east from Santiago City over the sloaps of the Andes Mountains. It is mainly a family area and considered one of the most luxurious zone, where the best schools and service
s are located. To visit this area you´ll need assistance because it is far away, and there is some difficulties to get owners to show their properties.
Feature area in Los Trapenses

Abadia Los Trapenses

Punta de Aguila Norte 9300

La Huala

Loma La Cruz

Lomas de la Dehesa

Los Bravos

Los Frailes

Los Litres

Los Monjes


Puente Piedra

San Rafael

Valle Escondido
Type of properties that you will find:
- Houses are mainly what you will finde in this area.
- Condo Houses, we call an enclosed group of houses with security 24 hours a day.
- Old houses built in the 80´s & 90´s, remodeled and in regular conditions. All of them with the main entrance directly to the public streets (Isolated houses).
- Theres is a new premium area called Valle Escondido (Hidden Valley), where houses begin in 350 meters up to 1.200 meters.
- Apartments, between 120 to 450 meters
- Furnished apartments & Houses are not available in this area.

Type of rentals *See also property expenses
- Rentals in Chile are in net value, meaning that over these you have to pay building utilities, electricity, gas, water, internet, cable, telephone and heating bills, gardener and pool cleaner. In this area is not common to getexpenses included (although they will always be exceptions).
- La Dehesa area, has a mix of rentals prices.
- Apartments start in $ 650.000 (2 dorms) up to 2.600.000 (450 meter flats (USD 1.200 to USD 5.500).
- Houses on the other hand are separated in two groups;
Valle Escondido (Hidden Valley) - Condo Houses start with 3 bedroom 145 meter houses at $ 900.000 going up to 360 meter houses of 4 to 5 rooms. at $3.500.000 (USD 1600 to USD 7.000)
- Isolated houses; smaller houses of 200 meters start 900.000 up to 1.800.000 5 dorm houses of 450 meters (USD 1.600 to USD 3.000).
- Valle Escondido sight start on 3.000.000 up to 8.000.000 (USD 5.500 to USD 15.000)